OK, so a couple of mates and I are trying a new venture. Its pretty much going to utilise the web quite a bit.
One of these projects that is in the final stages of development is an Artist Management Agency. It will be based out of Chicago and Sydney, yet will be a truly global venture. The website is being constructed as we speak, the partners are starting to lay out the business model (whenever we have a moment in our already crazy, insane lives...but its happening!) We have a recording studio in Alexandria, Sydney, however primarily starting the search for a singer or two.
So here is where I put it out there in the blogosphere....
If you know of anyone who has a voice, a look, or both, I would invite you to seek them out, and have them email an mp3. or organise for me to have a listen to and/or come and watch them perform wherever it may be...in the Chicago/DC/NY region to start. This is not a race, we are not in a mad frantic hurry, we are just inviting submissions. We are not looking for a flash in the pan artist...we are looking for someone who is versatile enough to work with electronica artists, as well as rock. We want diversity! We don't want diva-ish or drama queen behaviour.Email : rjmpresents@gmail.comNow you may ask, what experience do we all have?? Very good question....
* I helped establish and run an Independent Record Label in Sydney in 2005. Our artist entered at #1 on the ARIA singles chart and #2 with her debut album. I was primarily involved in the Promotion/Radio Plugging/Marketing/Licencing/Events, as well as assisting in Managing the artist as well as an Assistant to Artist. Yup...a jack of all trades, however am looking to share the load and still maintain my sanity & life!
*My partner used to run an Entertainment Industry Law Firm, whom our label was client, as well as a Marketing Company. He knows his policy and procedure, and is just as passionate about finding the right talent as I am.
*The third partner owns a recoding studio in Alexandria in Sydney's Inner West, and is a producer and engineer. Lets just say we are equally passionate about our artists.
So the search is on...and thanks to everyone out there who reads this and passes the email to anyone who may wish being represented. C'mon...you gotta know someone...lets make some music....