e enjte, 5 korrik 2007


Today is day one of a body detox cleansing fast.
Its a liquid based fast, which is guaranteed to clean out all the 'nasties' that accumulate in one's body.

So in preparation for 10 days/2 weeks of not eating or drinking anything (except for a special tea and this concoction of lemon juice, cayenne pepper, maple syrup and salt...mmm...tasty!) I used the 4th July celebrations yesterday to eat a smashing breakfast at Ann Sather's of Eggs Benedict, biscuits, hash browns and a cinnamon roll, then chicken tenders and coleslaw for dinner, choc chunk cookies and a case of Stella Artois! (I convinced Will that starting the diet on a public holiday probably wouldn't be the best idea, given the fact that...well...it's a holiday and I really wanted to say 'bye bye' to my dear friend, Stella for a couple of weeks!)
I am glad I am doing it with Will. Bye bye bloated feeling!

On a final note, it was so cute as Will came tearing into the bedroom last night as I was passed out with his first batch of our wonder elixir in his hands joyfully declaring 'Its made, I did it. We are ready to start!!' holding a 2.2 litre bottle of this orange/yellow liquid.
So I congratulated him through barely opened, slightly drunk eyes, looked at the clock (it was 11.50pm, technically still the 4th) ran out to the kitchen and shoved another cookie into my mouth. Then proceeded to chase it down with a lovely cup of laxative tea that Will had prepared for me.

Ahhh...to health and vitality!

NB. The first batch proved to be something of a hot & spicy affair! Cayenne pepper amounts need to be re calibrated. Phew, I don't think I am meant to be sweating in an air conditioned office! I also don't think one is supposed to be able to follow the passage of the liquid all the way down given the burn factor...but I will proceed with the consumption of it.

On a completely unrelated note....I was STILL dreaming of Wii last night!!!! This thing has me totally and utterly addicted!!!!! Must play more...